Sports & Physical Education


Streeton Primary provides numerous short sports programs/ clinics for all year levels, including such programs as rugby, gymnastics, basketball, hockey and many more. Our sports program runs throughout the year and provides a great opportunity for the children to experience different types of sports as well as keeping active. 

In addition to these programs, Streeton also has regular scheduled physical education sessions which include grades Foundation–2 learning about the F.M.S (Fundamental Motor Skills) and grades 3-6 learning about T.G.F.U (Teaching Games For Understanding).

Interschool Sport

Students in year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to participate in our Interschool Sport program against other schools within the Watsonia School Sport District during Term One and Term Two each year. The following sports are offered:

Term 1

Basketball - Boys & Girls
Cricket - Boys & Girls
Rounders - Girls
Bat Tennis - Boys & Girls

Term 2

Softball - Girls
AFL - Boys & Girls
Netball - Boys & Girls
Soccer - Boys & Girls

Sporting Carnivals

Streeton provides students with an opportunity to learn about and compete in a range of sporting carnivals throughout the school year. This includes school-based swimming trials, athletics and cross country carnivals with pathways to District, Division, Region, State and National Competition in these areas. 

Students wear their full school sporting uniform at these events to visually represent the school with pride. At Streeton we hold good sportsmanship in high regard, and we encourage our students to be proud of their achievements and success.

General Swim Program

At Streeton, we have a swimming program that is run for Junior, Middle and Senior Schools to cater for all levels of abilities. We generally run an annual swimming program that consists of 6 to 8 weeks of 1 hour sessions as an excursion.

The programs are not compulsory, as we realise that some may already be participating in swimming outside of the school. However we do encourage all children to participate in the program as swimming is a vital part of our Physical Education curriculum, as well as developing skills for lifelong enjoyment, fitness and safety near water. It also encourages independence, co-operation and teamwork.​