School ConcertAt Streeton we put on a a school concert every two years, involving all students from Prep through to Grade 6. Beyond the production itself, it also provides a great opportunity for parents to see performances from the choirs and those students learning a musical instrument, such as guitar, drums or violin. The concert is held over two nights which gives all parents the best chance of being able to attend, and has recently been held in the wonderful facilities provided by Montmorency Secondary College. All the children are able to shine in their own grade groups as they provide magical moments on stage as well as group numbers that provides a fun, entertaining and rewarding night for both parents and their children. |
BookingsFor concert and event bookings, Streeton utilise TryBooking which is the first fully integrated online booking and registration system created specifically to meet the needs of community groups, including schools. TryBooking provides sophisticated technology yet keep it simple, accessible, and affordable for everyone. For more information, see the Try Booking website. |