Performing Arts

As part of our school Specialist program, students attend a fortnightly Performing Arts session. These lessons focus on the performing arts areas of music and drama. Students learn about the different elements of Music and Drama, explore a range of different instruments, experiment with movement and dance, and improve on their understanding of acting styles, such as improvisation.

Music & School Choir


Music Program

In addition to our fortnightly Performing Arts program, there is the option for students to participate in privately run music lessons on a variety of instruments, such as keyboard and guitar.

Students who take part in these lessons are able to perform at school events, including school assemblies and the Bi-annual school fair.



Streeton Primary has a dedicated Choir program for students in grades 2-6. Students who commit to the Performance Choir attend practice 1-2 times a week and learn a range of songs for different events. All members of the Choir make valuable contributions to our performances including input into song choices and dance moves. Our choir performs regularly at a variety of Community Events and the talent and commitment displayed by our students is amazing.

They currently perform at:

  • ANZAC & Remembrance Day
  • Local Festivals
  • Retirement Villages
  • Christmas events
  • Bi-annual School Production
  • Bi-annual School Fair