Events & Fundraising


Streeton Primary School looks to the community for support to raise additional funds for extra items such as supplementary learning materials, books, resources and equipment. It is also necessary to assist with the ongoing maintenance of the premises and grounds and also to contribute to special projects such as our wonderful Permaculture Farm.

A dedicated team of parents and teachers each year compile a fundraising calendar to assist with these efforts. We hold the numerous events that bring the community together in a fun way while also raising these funds. If you would like to be part of our fundraising team please contact the office and your details will be passed on - we love lots of helpers and new ideas are welcome all the time.


School Concert 2021

Venue:              Streeton Primary School - School Oval

Date:                Tuesday 23rd March, 2021

Arrival Time:   5.30pm to 5.45pm

Start Time:      6.00pm

Finish Time:   7.30pm approx.

Seating:- Families are encouraged to bring folding chairs and/or picnic rugs to sit on

2021 School Concert Information

For the most up to date information on upcoming school events, please make sure to read our school newsletter.